Posted @withregram • @marvinarringtonjr Thank you, @bronzelens, for selecting…

Posted @withregram • @marvinarringtonjr Thank you, @bronzelens, for selecting our film @atimetoyell @morethanastatue to screen at this year’s festival.

Please join us this
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Tara Theatre
2345 Cheshire Bridge Rd

We have all seen the violence and despicable rhetoric that came out of the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on August 12th, 2017. But if you think you know how we got there and what happened that day, you have no idea. “A Time to Yell: More Than a Statue” is the untold story from Charlottesville community members who experienced these monumental events first hand. Through the lens of Dr. Wes Bellamy and the community, we tell the story of what transpired in Charlottesville in 2017, exploring the history behind this racially motivated attack and one of the most divisive conflicts in modern American history.